Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons: Our Policy

Pewsey and District Link is frequently used by the elderly, those with physical disabilities and sometimes by those experiencing a learning disability and/or mental health problems.

The scheme has a responsibility and duty of care when transporting clients to their appointments and will operate in accordance with best practice to minimise the risk to vulnerable adults. Volunteer drivers should report any concerns about a client to the Link co-ordinator at the earliest opportunity.


Any adult may experience abuse or harm. However, certain people are considered to be at greater risk so are given more protection by law. A vulnerable adult is defined as:

Someone over the age of 18 who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.

Adults at risk may therefore:

  1. Have a mental or physical illness.
  2. Have a learning difficulty.
  3. Have addiction problems.
  4. Be frail.

Abuse is defined as:

A violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any person or persons which may be a single or repeated acts.

A vulnerable adult is therefore at risk of:

  1. Physical abuse which may include striking or inappropriate sanctions.
  2. Sexual abuse which may include a sexual assault or act to which the individual has not properly consented.
  3. Psychological abuse which may include emotional threats or controlling or intimidatory behaviour.
  4. Neglect which might include acts of omission for medical care or other necessities of life.
  5. Financial abuse which might include theft, exploitation or misappropriation of personal funds.
  6. Discriminatory abuse which might include any harassment based on race, sex, disability or similar treatment.


Any member of the Link scheme with safeguarding concerns with any person can raise these, in strict confidence, with a coordinator.

It must be noted that Wiltshire Council has a legal duty to have a Safeguarding Adults Board and operates a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) which specifically deals with vulnerable adults.

Any Link volunteer who has concerns about a client should report this as soon as possible to the coordinator, who then can discuss the issues raised with this team on 0300 4560111.

Should concerns involve a child then these should be reported on 0300 4560108.


  1. Care Act 2014
  2. Wiltshire Link Schemes Good Practice Guide

Dated:              March 2022

Review:             March 2024